Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fairy Godmothers

About 10 years ago, I was just beginning my journey into quilting. I was working on a machine my grandmother had given me (more on that in a later post) on a table I found on the side of the road. It worked wonderfully, but had no storage.

So, one day at work - I was temping at a banking center - the older woman sitting next to me began complaining about how cluttered her house was. She started listing some things - and when she mentioned owning 6 sewing cabinets - I really started paying attention! She said she had inherited some of the cabinets, and bought others. Her latest one was currently living in her kitchen because there was no more room anywhere else!

I told her how I was getting into quilting and how I would love to have a sewing cabinet - would she be interested in selling one of them? She said she'd bring one in to work for me. I wasn't sure what I was in for, but I was hopeful.

A couple of days later, she told me she had my sewing cabinet in her minivan. I thought it would be one of those smallish ones on legs with fold-out tops. This is what she had for me:

It was beautiful! There are some dings on the top and edges, but it is very solid. And - she wouldn't take anything for it! She wanted to give it to me. I was speechless.
I made arrangements for DH to meet me at work to help unload it. It was heavy! But, we finally got it home and up the two flights of stairs to the apartment we lived in then. When I got it settled in the corner of our bedroom and started really exploring it, I realized it had a sewing machine in it!

This is the condition it was in when I got it, I haven't gotten around to getting it cleaned yet (and it's been 10 years - wow). One of the drawers contained all of this:

Bobbins and oil can....

Buttonhole attachment.....

Lots and lots of cams and feet.....

And I think this is my favorite thing - a stocking darner. I have never seen one of these things before, but the instruction booklet shows you step by step how to use it. From putting the stocking on the darner to how to stitch the repair on the machine. Very unique!

I really should have the machine tuned and cleaned. It would be nice to have a cabinet machine that can be put away when I'm done working.

So, in closing, yes, there still are fairy godmothers out there - doing good where they can. I like to think this woman has inspired me to be the same way. If you ask DH - maybe I do it a little too often! Oh well, passing along good things and being charitable can't happen often enough, in my opinion.

And tell me if any of you have had a fairy godmother in your life. I'd love to hear your stories.

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